The Magazine of Entrepreneurship and Management of Micro and Small Enterprises (REGMPE) is published bimonthly under the responsibility of the publishing house Knowledge & Science.

  1. The magazine publishes unpublished articles on entrepreneurship and management of micro and small companies, in the sections Original articles and Articles of literature review, Essays and Case Study.
  2. Articles must be submitted online, on the magazine's page.
  3. The procedures for analyzing and appraising the articles by the referees are carried out with the anonymity of the authors of the respective works and the referees ("blind assessment"). Do not identify yourself in the body of the text or in the file properties. Include the biographical summary when submitting the file (submission metadata).
  4. A co-authored article with more than five authors will not be accepted
  5. Authors undertake to declare the assignment of copyright and that their manuscript is an original work, and that it is not being submitted for analysis for publication in another journal. This statement is available below.
  6. The reports should be based on the most advanced and appropriate techniques for research.
  7. The data, ideas, opinions and concepts emitted in the articles, as well as the accuracy of the references, are the sole responsibility of the author (s).
  8. Articles are published in Portuguese, English, Spanish or French, depending on the language submitted. They must be concise and consistent in style.
  9. Articles will be evaluated by the magazine's editorial board and, if approved, will be forwarded by the magazine's editor to the body of reviewers, who will appreciate the text. The options for opinions are: a) Fully approved; b) Approved, provided the necessary corrections are made; c) Refused. In case of any divergence regarding the opinions, the editor will forward the article to the editorial board, which will decide whether to publish it or not.
  10. The revision of Portuguese and the translation and / or revision of a foreign language will be the responsibility and paid for by the authors.
  11. Formatting and other conventions are listed below:
  12. a) In the submission process, the full names of the authors, their institutional addresses and the e-mail of the author indicated for correspondence must be inserted.
  13. b) Articles must contain: title, abstract, keywords, and their English equivalents (title, abstract, keywords) and references.
  14. c) The title, with a maximum of twenty words, must be precise.
  15. d) The abstract (as well as the abstract), not exceeding 200 words, must contain succinct information about the article. Up to six keywords must be added to the end, both in the abstract and the abstract, which are not mentioned in the title.
  16. e) Acknowledgments may be mentioned in the form of a footnote. The existence of any and all financial assistance received for the preparation of the work can also be reported, mentioning a funding agency.
  17. f) Articles should not exceed 20 typed pages, including figures, tables and bibliographic references (only those mentioned in the text are listed). 1.5 lines should be written and pages should be numbered. The work must be edited in MS-Word, or compatible, using Times New Roman font 12.
  18. g) The work must be formatted in A4 and the bottom, top, right and left margins must be 2.5 cm.
  19. h) The file containing the work that should be attached (transferred), during the submission, cannot exceed the size of 2MB, as well as, it cannot contain any type of authorship identification, including in the Word properties option.
  20. i) Tables, figures and graphs must be inserted in the text, right after their citation.
  21. j) The digitized figures must have a resolution of 300 dpi and preferably saved in jpg format.
  22. k) Citations should follow the following examples that are based on ABNT. Citation in the text, use the surname and year: Caporalini (2005) or (CAPORALINI, 2005); for two authors Veiga and Santos (2008) or (VEIGA; SANTOS, 2008); three or more authors, use the first and after et al. (GHEORGHIU et al., 2008).


DORNELAS, JCA Only courage is not enough: to seek opportunities, people do not need to have a special gift. Available in: Accessed on 10/05/2012.

FILION, LJ, BOURION, C. (Eds.). Les entrepreneuriales representations. In: REVUE INTERNALE de PSYCHOSOCIOLOGIE, 2008. Paris: Éditions ESKA. 2008, p.13-43.

____________. From Entrepreneurship to Entreprenology. In: USASBE ANNUAL NATIONAL CONFERENCE, 1999, California. Proceedings ... Wisconsin: Usasbe, 1997.

____________. Entrepreneurship as a Theme in Higher Studies. In: ENTREPRENEURSHIP, SCIENCE, TECHNIQUE AND ART, 1999. Brasília: CNI / IEL Nacional, 1999, p. 13-43.

FREUD, S. 1978. Five lessons in Psychoanalysis. Cultural April. São Paulo (Os Pensadores Collection), 246 p.

HARTMAN, A. Evaluation of intrapreneurial culture: development and testing of a methodology. 2006. 380 f. Dissertation (Master's), Postgraduate Program in Production Engineering, Department of Production Engineering (PPGEP), Technological University of Paraná, Ponta Grossa, May: 2006.

KOPSCHITZ, Izabel. How to keep the small business healthy. O Globo newspaper. Rio de Janeiro, Boa Chance section, February 29. 2004.

MAGALHÃES, ML & BORGES AJE (2001). Self and hetero-assessment in the diagnosis of training needs. Psychology Studies, Vol. 6 (1), 33-50.

McCLELLAND, DC The competitive society: social achievement and progress. Rio de Janeiro: Ed. Expressão e Cultura, 1972.

McCLELLAND, DC The achieving society. New York: The Free Press, 1961

ORLANDELI, R. A game of companies involving the logistics chain: Game F61- An educational approach. Master's Dissertation in Production Engineering at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, 2001.

PORTELA, J. et al. Micro Entrepreneurship in Portugal (2008). PROEFDS-Measure - Study and Research Project No. 87/2006.

SALAS, E .; CANNON-BOWERS, J. The science of training: a decade of progress. ANNUAL REVIEW OF PSYCHOLOGY, v. 52, p. 471-499, 2001.

SAY, JB Treaty of Political Economy - Collection of Economists. São Paulo: April, 1983.

SCHUMPETER, JA Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy. New York Harper Perennial, USA, 1976.

SOUZA, ECL; FRACASSO, E. Entrepreneurship: concepts, approaches, construction of measurement scales. 2006. In press.

SOUZA, ECL, Entrepreneurship: from Genesis to Contemporaneity. In: EGEPE-Meeting of Studies on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, 4, Curitiba, p.134-146,2005.

VERGARA, SC Management Research Projects and Reports. 11.ed.São Paulo: Atlas, 2009.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify the submission's compliance with all items listed below. Submissions that do not comply with the rules will be returned to the authors.

  1. The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the Editor".
  2. The files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format (as long as they do not exceed 2MB)
  3. URLs for references were provided when necessary.
  4. The text is in single space; uses a 12-point font; uses italics instead of underlining (except URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted in the text, not at the end of the document, as attachments.
  5. The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors, in the section About the Journal.
  6. The identification of authorship of the work was removed from the file and from the Properties option in Word, thus guaranteeing the journal's secrecy criterion, if submitted for peer review (eg articles), according to instructions available in Ensuring Blind Peer Review .


REGMPE advises that only people who have actually participated in the central stages of the research should sign the papers, for example, it is not enough to have reviewed the text or just collected the data. All persons listed as authors, when submitting works will automatically declare responsibility, in the following terms:

Declaration of responsibility: I certify that I have participated sufficiently in the work to make my responsibility for its content public. I certify that the manuscript represents an original work and that it has not been published or is being considered for publication in another national or international journal, whether in printed or electronic format, except the one described in the annex. I certify that, if requested, I will provide or fully cooperate in obtaining and providing data on which the manuscript is based, for examination by the journal's editorial board.

Copyright transfer: I declare that in case of acceptance of the article by REGMPE, I agree that the copyrights referring to it will become the exclusive property of the Revista de Empreendedorismo e Gestão de Micro e Small Empresas, any reproduction, total or partial, in any other being prohibited part or medium of dissemination, printed or electronic, without the prior and necessary authorization being requested and, if obtained, I will include the competent acknowledgment and the credits corresponding to REGMPE. I declare on my behalf and on behalf of the other co-authors, if any, to be aware that failure to comply with this commitment will subject the infringer to sanctions and penalties provided for in the Copyright Protection Law (Federal Law No. 9,610, of February 19 1998).

Note:REGMPE adopts the CC BY-NC-SA policy. This license only allows the download or use of works in a shared way.
The user must always credit the original and cannot change or distribute it commercially.




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